Change The Stage Blog

Conceptual Designer, Color Consultant, Interior Decorator, Corporate Decorator, Interior Design,

Sex TherapY bedrooMs, getaways and coloRs January 28, 2010



Year 2010 may not have brought you Robin Thicke or Halle Berry to spice up your bedroom.  But let’s look at some creative ideas that might add a new vibe, and or new reasons to get back in the game of romance.   The Bedroom is one of the most important components of architecture.  We need it for many reasons… and this post is going to provide you captivating photos for turning your old bedroom into a new fun and sexy SPACE.   The first items to consider when going about to make this new dramatic change is COLOR and more COLOR.  We all know that color is a sign of expression,  and that it shall always remain dominant in interior design, fashion, art, nature and every aspect of our planet.   So when redesigning your bedroom don’t just think of sleeping or a place to rest… it should also be a place to be romantic.   A place to bring out that Bad Boy or Girl you haven’t been lately, or yearn to experience. 

 From the beginning of time the color of Red has always been associated with love, lust and yes SEX.  So dashes of this enchanting color should always be used as a secret weapon in the BedrooM.  Think of  lighting, candles, sheets, pillows and vases filled with long stem Roses.   Shades of  WHITE represent allurement, enticement, and angelic fantasies, while being your entre into PurE – BlissFulness.  Believe it or not Pink and all of its tempest hues have become part of our passionate yearning color.  Now throw in a splash of yellow that allows the mind to run Wild and Free.  A drop of Deep Desire (rose) by Olympic Paint, with a   final touch of  Berry Lavender and let the emotions begin.    Designer Note:  Television Banned. 

When traveling to hideaways or getaWays, apply the same theory… Think Color, Magic, Lust, Rapture, Think early mornings filled with breathless echos.  Remember color can arouse those sensuous emotions, that create screams of ecstasy, pleasure, joy, happiness and thrills never felt before. 

Until you start your BedRoom project or have vacation time for that amazing getaway… take a trip through some great photos we have collected just for the ROMANCE N YOU


credits: changethestage, freshome, elle, paris vogue, living etc, hgtv, archinspire, atozhomecenter, moderline furniture, imagewrap,